Puffed Quinoa or Puffed Rice?


Growing up, making Rice Krispie Squares was a fun activity I enjoyed with my family in the kitchen. I’ll always remember how we used to bond over our mutual love of its ooey-gooey texture and the way the marshmallows would melt in the heated pot. If only I knew there was a way to make this dessert-like snack into something I could enjoy almost every day!

Introducing your latest obsession...puffed quinoa!

What is puffed quinoa? 

To put it simply, it’s quinoa that has been cooked in the oven until it snaps, crackles and pops (into existence). Think of it like your usual rice krispies, but with a subtle nutritional bonus! 

What’s so great about puffed quinoa? 

  • They’re high in protein which keeps your body happy & is responsible for your satiety, making it a great ingredient to use for snacks as it can easily be added to any recipe!

  • They’re high in fiber which controls our blood sugar levels, regulates our bowel movements, and contributes to a healthy digestion. 

  • They’re a good source of potassium which helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals. 

  • They have a low glycemic index which makes it a great option for diabetics as it will not spike your blood sugar levels as quickly as other foods (e.g. rice krispies, white rice, bread) 

My favorite brand of puffed quinoa (right now at least): GoGo Quinoa

  • It’s vegan ─ meaning that it is devoid of any animal products,

  • It’s gluten free ─ making it a safe purchase for those who are gluten-intolerant or celiac!

  • It’s made in Quebec ─ do your part in supporting our local economy!

My 5 Favorite Ways to Use Puffed Quinoa in Recipes: 

  1. Sprinkling it over a hearty salad to add some CRUNCH.

  2. Making energy fuelling snack bars to keep me satisfied throughout the day

  3. As a topping for my yogurt and fruit.

  4. Using it as a funky addition to my morning granola! 

  5. Making some chocolate-y crispy dessert cups with puffed quinoa as my base.

Not convinced yet? Try out these two simple recipes using puffed quinoa: 

10-ingredient Simple Energy Balls

A quick bite to satisfy that sweet tooth!





  1. MIX the ingredients in a food processor. Start with the dates, and then add in the walnuts to evenly distribute them in the date mixture. 

  2. ADD in the remaining ingredients (except the puffed quinoa and chocolate bar) 

  3. FOLD IN the puffed quinoa.

  4. FORM the dough into golf ball-sized truffles and then place them on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Set aside.

  5. MELT the chocolate over a double boiler. DIP the top of each ball into the melted chocolate and return them to the baking sheet. 

  6. SPRINKLE the energy balls with sea salt flakes while the chocolate is still shiny.

  7. CHILL the energy balls in the refrigerator for 30 minutes until the chocolate has set, then serve. 

  8. STORE the snacks in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.  

─ Allergen-free option

─ Plant based option 

Cadbury Fruit & Nut Quinoa Bars

Crunchy, chewy and decadent - get all the textures in each delicious bite!

PREP TIME: 10 minutes TOTAL TIME: 40 minutes YIELDS: 24 SERVING SIZE: 1




  1. MIX the ingredients in a food processor. Start with the dates, and then add in the nut butter.

  2. BLEND on high until smooth, then ADD in the milk, cacao, cinnamon and salt.  

  3. COMBINE the date mixture to the quinoa puffs, followed by the chopped almonds and dried raisins, and then press it into a lined baking tin (try to make it as even as possible!)

  4. STORE it in the freezer for about 30 minutes, or refrigerate them for a couple of hours before cutting it into squares. Keep the bars refrigerated in a sealed container. 

─ Allergen-free option

─ Plant based option

For you visual learners out there, feel free to download the PDF version of these heavenly recipes.

And if you liked this recipe, make sure to leave a comment below.

If you’re feeling adventurous, get your creativity on and tag me on Instagram @colourmypalate or look out for #colourmypalate so I can see what you’re cooking up!

I’m always happy to chat so don’t be shy to say hi at colourmypalate@gmail.com, Facebook, and Twitter.

When I say love, you say puffed quinoa!

Enjoy :)