How To Choose a Protein Bar?


Have you ever been convinced by a friend to start eating protein bars and decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store?

The reality: All too overwhelming.

First things first, it’s important to know… are protein bars good for you?

To put it quite simply, protein bars often have a lot of fillers in them! As a result of being processed, they often contain what we call whey and soy concentrates, which aren’t used as effectively as a complete source of protein would (e.g. a hard boiled egg, a banana with peanut butter, yogurt with granola, etc.)

However we’ve all got those days! Whether we’re simply in a rush, or need a quick bite to eat after the gym, protein bars definitely come in handy for a satisfying post-workout snack. 

With that being said, here are a couple of things you should look out for...

How to choose a good protein bar

  • Keep that sugar down ─ try staying away from bars whose main ingredients are sugar, sucrose or high fructose corn syrup. Sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbitol and maltitol should also be avoided as they may cause bloating and gas!

  • Check the protein source ─ look for whey protein or pea protein (the plant-based option)! Aim for a bar with at least 5g of protein per serving.

  • Bulk up on fiber ─ try choosing a bar with at least 3g of fiber per serving.

  • Keep an eye out for specific oils ─ avoid any bars that contain palm oil & kernel oil. Small hint: they can often be found in bars coated with chocolate!

  • Spot the bad fats ─ choose a bar that is free of any trans fats and that is low in saturated fats (less than 3g per serving)

 As a general rule: the shorter the ingredient list, the better!

My personal favorites…

If you’re someone who enjoys making your own snacks, you can easily build a nutritious bar for yourself right in the comfort of your kitchen! Check out this simple recipe for some protein-packed, homemade energy bars! Can you spot the ingredients that are naturally high in protein? 

Five-Ingredient Homemade Energy Bars

The perfect post-workout snack!





  1. PREHEAT the oven to 350℉.

  2. In a large bowl, COMBINE all of the ingredients and mix well. 

  3. LINE a baking dish with parchment paper, then transfer the mix and firmly press it into the pan.

  4. SPRINKLE with additional chocolate chips if you wish and gently press it into the dough.

  5. BAKE for 14-17 minutes or until the center is baked through.

  6. LET IT COOL completely before cutting it into 16 squares.

Feeling hungry? Get energized !

For you visual learners out there, feel free to download the PDF version of this homemade snackbar that packs quite the [ protein ] punch! 

Laura NguyenComment