3 Ways to Balance & Brighten Up Any Type Meal


Throughout the years, healthy eating guidelines have emphasized the importance of loading up on fruits and vegetables, often time recommending that half of our plate be filled with these nutrient-dense foods. This is because time and time again, a diet rich in fruits & vegetables has been shown to play a significant role in improving our overall health and helping to reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

However, for many people, achieving the goal of half (½) the plate can seem daunting and unrealistic.

Busy lifestyles, limited access to fresh produce, and personal preferences can all be barriers to following these recommendations. By finding simple and enjoyable ways to add more color to your meals, here are 3 easy methods to brighten up any dish to help you reach these daily health recommendations:

1. Add Veggies to the Side of a Meal

One of the easiest ways to introduce more color to your meals is by adding a side of fresh veggies. ‘Crudités’ are raw vegetables that are often served with a dip, and that come in a vibrant array of colors. Not only do they make your plate more visually appealing, but they also add a satisfying crunch that can complement any main course.

So, the next time you’re whipping up a last minute meal, consider adding simple veggies such as:

  • (Lebanese) Cucumbers

  • (Mini) Bell Peppers

  • Carrot (Sticks)

  • (Cherry) Tomatoes

  • Celery Sticks

2. Enjoy a Fruit as Dessert

Fruits are naturally sweet and can make for an excellent dessert for that ‘sweet’ finish. Fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, making them a nutritious choice to end your meal on a high note and a burst of color to your meal!

Some refreshing summer favourites:

  • Peaches

  • Melon (ex: watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew)

  • Pineapple

  • Berries (ex: strawberries, blueberries and cherries)

  • Mango

3. Consider a Leafy Green Addition

Ever find yourself with wilting greens near the end of the week? Look no further. Incorporating leafy greens into meals is a fantastic way to add color and a boost of nutrients. Leafy greens are typically packed with vitamins A, C, K, and folate, as well as contain essential minerals like iron and calcium. Their vibrant green hue can elevate the look of any meal while providing significant health benefits.


  • Adding lettuce, arugula or spinach to your sandwiches

  • Sprinkling fresh herbs such as mint, coriander or parsley to fragrantly elevate any type of dish

  • Adding a spinach or kale for a touch of added fibre to your homemade smoothies

Make it a habit to colour your palate!

Laura NguyenComment