Eating Well During Wedding Season: 5 Tips for a Healthier Celebration


Wedding season is a time of celebration, joy, love and often indulgence. With back-to-back events as well as the classic food & drink rituals, it can be challenging to maintain healthy eating habits during this festive time of the year! However, with a few mindfulness strategies, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your overall well-being. Here are some of my best tips to help you eat better during the wedding season:

Keep calm and party on!

Tip #1: Moderating Alcohol

Alcohol is a staple at most wedding celebrations, but it's important to consume it mindfully. Easier said than done of course! While there is no surefire way that you won’t be offered any at all, here are some ways to moderate your alcohol intake throughout the event.

  • Set yourself a limit for the night: Decide in advance how many drinks you will have and do your best to stick to that limit (no more than 2 is usually recommended). This can help prevent overindulgence and the associated next-day regrets!

  • Switch it up: Alternate between alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic options like water, sparkling water, or a mocktail. This not only helps in moderating alcohol intake overall, but also keeps you well hydrated (for the dancefloor).

  • Size down by opting for smaller drink sizes or a more long lasting beverage with a similar amount of alcohol. For instance, choosing a smaller beer size or a cocktail vs. a shot can help reduce your overall alcohol consumption.

Tip #2: Not Skipping Meals

Skipping meals, especially on the day of a wedding, can inevitably lead to overeating later in the day. Instead, aim to better manage your portions throughout the day by:

  • Eating Regularly: Having a balanced breakfast and lunch to keep your energy levels steady can help to avoid arriving at the wedding ravenous.

  • Snacking Smartly: If there’s a long gap in between meals, pack or enjoy a healthy balanced snack like nuts, fruit, or yogurt to tide you over.

Tip #3: Aim for Balance

Balance is key when it comes to navigating the diverse spread of food at weddings. Here's how you can do it:

  • Portion Control: Sample small portions of various dishes rather than piling your plate high. This allows you to enjoy a variety of flavors from the event, and give yourself enough time to decide whether you’ll be going for a second run.

  • Healthy Choices: Fill half your plate with vegetables and lean proteins, and the other half with smaller portions of the richer, indulgent dishes.

Tip #4: Listening to Hunger Cues

Being present and attentive to your body's hunger signals can help you avoid overeating. Our bodies need up to 15-20 minutes to signal to us that we are finished eating. Practice mindful eating by:

  • Slowing Down: Take your time to eat and savor each bite. This allows your body to register fullness and prevents overeating.

  • Checking In: Pause during the meal to assess your hunger and fullness levels. Ask yourself if you're still hungry before going for seconds.

Tip #5: Allow Yourself to Enjoy

Remember, weddings are a time of celebration, and it's okay to indulge a little. A few things to keep in mind to enjoy food without any guilt:

  • Treat Yourself: Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite treats in moderation. Whether it’s a slice of cake or a special dish, savor it without feeling guilty…this once in a while event will likely not derail you from a week of healthy habits.

  • Focus on Fun: Engage in the festivities, dance, and enjoy the company of friends and family. The focus should be on the celebration and fun with your loved ones rather than just the food.

By implementing these tips, you can navigate the wedding season with a balanced approach, ensuring you enjoy the celebrations while maintaining your health.

Cheers to a happy and healthy wedding season!

Laura NguyenComment