#Myth: Eating Fat Makes Your Fat

weight loss & gain

Good fats. Bad fats. Saturated fats. Trans fats. Fatty-fish. Fatty liver. Skinny Fat. Baby Fat.

Sometimes, just hearing the word “fat” can trigger a personal discomfort in many people. Thoughts like I feel fat, I’m gonna get so fat or this is fattening, can lead some people to come to the general conclusion that eating fat will make them fat.

Answer: wrong! Here’s why.

1. What are Fats?

Fat is among one of the 3 macronutrients that make up most of the foods that we eat every day, along with proteins and carbohydrates. It plays an important role to help…

✔  Maintain your internal body temperature.

 Cushion your internal organs.

✔  Absorb essential vitamins (Vitamin A, D, E, K).

✔  Keep your heart healthy.

✔ Provide your body with energy .

fatty foods

Fat can be found in a variety of foods. Some fats are good for us and should be eaten every day, while others are not-so-good for our bodies and should be eaten in moderation or avoided at all costs. There are 3 types of fats in today’s diet.

1.  Unsaturated Fats → Eat often.

  • Nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds)

  • Fish (e.g.  salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel)

  • Seeds (e.g. chia seeds, sunflower seeds flax seeds)

  • Olive oil

  • Mayonnaise

  • Avocado

2. Saturated Fats  → Eat in moderation.

  • Meat

  • Poultry & eggs 

  • Butter

  • Lard and shortening

  • Dairy products, (e.g. milk, cheese and yogurt)

3. Trans Fats  → Avoid entirely!

  • Hard margarine

  • Fried foods

  • Commercially baked goods

  • Frozen doughs

2. Habits That May Contribute to Weight Gain

In reality, most of the food we eat contains fat. Think of how difficult it would be to cut them out of your diet entirely! Instead of singling out a specific category of food, the better option would be to simply consider the other lifestyle factors that may be contributing to any weight gain.

A Lack of Physical Activity 

physical activity essentials

Nowadays, living the sedentary desk-job life has become the new norm for many people. While technology has made it pretty easy for us to veg out, aim to stay active by setting up different ways to alert yourself, such as…

setting an alarm

→ Leaving your gym clothes out nearby. This could help remind you to get some physical activity into your day.

→ Setting a reminder on your phone. Once the clock hits [ insert hour here ], you’ll know that it’s time to get up and to get moving!

→ Working out with a friend. Keep each other accountable by clocking in that Sunday sweat sess. 

Medication & Poor Nutrition

health professional

A combination of new medications and lifestyle habits can often play a big role in weight shifts. It goes without question that taking on these new challenges can feel like a struggle at first. Make sure to get the proper guidance & support you need by first consulting with a health professional!

→ Speak with your primary physician to find out more about your health condition & effects of medication.

→ Speak with a registered dietitian to help with lifestyle & weight management.

serving sizes

Portion Sizes

In today’s society, portion sizes differ from one house to another, which can often leads to eating more that what is normally considered appropriate. In order to regulate this eating behaviour, try…

→ Serving your meals on a plate. This habit can help create a sort of self-awareness with regards to how much you are putting on your plate.

→ Choosing a plate that is smaller than usual. A smaller plate will fill up much faster, thereby giving the illusion that you are eating a larger meal and thus preventing you from going for a second round.

Your Eating Behaviours

emotional eating
eating without distractions

→ Recognize your hunger cues. We often associate certain emotions with food. For instance, some eat when they’re sad or bored. So the next time you find yourself overeating, take a moment to recognize the patterns!

Are you eating because you’re hungry or just because you’re bored? Notice the patterns!

→ Practice eating without distractions. Eating while working or working while eating can become a mindless task.

Take the time to eat your meals so that you can be fully present and in the moment. (#protip: get a friend on board!)

Weight gain can be linked to many different eating and lifestyle habits. Just because you eat foods that contain fat, it doesn’t mean you will become fat. Fats are important macronutrients that keep your body healthy.

It’s all a matter of perspective.

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Laura Nguyen